Top 12 Django Packages and Libraries

Top 12 Django Packages and Libraries

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  1. Django Rest Framework: A powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs, which makes it easier to build, test, and debug RESTful APIs in Django.

  2. Django Debug Toolbar: A package that provides a set of panels displaying various debug information about the current request/response.

  3. Django-Crispy-Forms: A package that makes it easy to create beautiful, responsive HTML forms in Django, by using the popular Bootstrap library.

  4. Django-Filter: A package that simplifies filtering and searching in Django, allowing you to filter queries dynamically.

  5. Django-Haystack: A package that makes it easy to add search functionality to your Django applications, by integrating with popular search engines like Solr, Elasticsearch, and Whoosh.

  6. Django-Allauth: A package that makes it easy to add authentication and authorization to your Django applications, supporting a wide range of authentication providers, including social auth and OAuth.

  7. Django-Compressor: A package that compresses and aggregates CSS and JavaScript files, reducing the number of HTTP requests and improving page loading times.

  8. Django-Storages: A package that allows you to use various storage backends, including Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Microsoft Azure, with Django.

  9. Django-Taggit: A package that provides a simple way to manage tags in Django, allowing you to easily categorize and search content in your applications.

  10. Django-Import-Export: A package that provides a simple way to import and export data in Django, supporting a wide range of file formats, including CSV, Excel, and JSON.

  11. Django-WYSIWYG: A package that adds a WYSIWYG editor to Django's admin, allowing you to easily format and style content in your applications.

  12. Django-Extensions: A package that provides a collection of useful extensions and tools for Django, including custom management commands, automatically generated admin documentation, and improved testing tools.